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Wealth & Prosperity Blessings

The Dari Rulai Temple offers various solutions to extinguish obstacles and generate wealth and abundance. Prayers and rituals to generate prosperity are timeless, and are just as relevant today as they were in ancient times. Temple practitioners will conduct various Wealth Dharma practices to bring blessings to those registered.

Full Moon Blessing: <br>Yellow Jambhala & <br>Ask for Wealth Dharma

Full Moon Blessing:
Yellow Jambhala &
Ask for Wealth Dharma

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21-day Blessing: <br>White Jambhala Dharma

21-day Blessing:
White Jambhala Dharma

April 12, 2024
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21-day Blessing: <br>Red Ganapati Dharma

21-day Blessing:
Red Ganapati Dharma

October 18, 2024
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365-day Blessing: <br>Nectar Kundali Vajrapala <br>Treasure Vase Dharma

365-day Blessing:
Nectar Kundali Vajrapala
Treasure Vase Dharma

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Elephant King Altar
Wealth & Prosperity Prayer List

When? Ongoing Dharma Practice, resets every 30 days.

Many people are experiencing financial obstacles during current world events.  If you would like us to pray for you, a friend, or a loved one, add the name to our wealth and prosperity prayer list, and we will pray for them for 30 days, as well as place their name on our Living Buddha Dechan Jueren empowered Elephant King altar. Also, on the full moon of each month, a dharma rite for luck or fortune will be conducted for their benefit.  No offering required.

Add a name to our Wealth and Prosperity Prayer List.


Full Moon Blessing:
Yellow Jambhala & Ask for Wealth Dharma

When? Dharma Practice is held on every Full Moon.

Have your name called out during dedication of merits in the course of Yellow Jambhala & Ask for Wealth Dharma practice at Dari Rulai Temple on the evening of the Full Moon.

Practitioners will conduct this dharma to help you overcome karmic obstacles that create lack of abundance, and to help you generate wealth and prosperity.

During the Ask for Wealth portion of the practice, your name will be called amid a beseeching prayer ritual invoking dynamic wealth archetypes to grant you:

  1. Extinguishment of the habit of laziness, selfishness, and ignorance which according to Master Yu are the cause of lack of abundance
  2. Attract, protect, and increase both wisdom and material wealth
  3. Removal of financial obstacles and relief from debts
  4. Stability in the flow of income
  5. Success in your career

In addition to the Full Moon Blessing, registrants will be placed on the temple Elephant King altar Wealth and Prosperity Prayer List.

Jambhala: ‘Embodiment of the precious treasure of prosperity, Lord of the wealth of the yakshas, Protector of the northern direction, Jambhala. Homage and praise to the giver of supreme siddhi. The precious use of wish fulfilling jems, Fulfills the hopes of all beings. Without effort or exertion, May all their wishes be realized.’ —Praise to Jambhala

Learn more about Dari Rulai Temple Advanced Abhisheka-Empowered Yellow Jambhala Wealth & Prosperity Dharma “Lord of Abundance & Ask-for-Wealth”

To attend a Yellow Jambhala Workshop,  contact us


21-Day Blessing:
White Jambhala Showering Dharma

When? 21-Day Dharma Practice begins Spring, 2025.

During Shakyamuni Buddha’s time, Jambhala vowed to bestow spiritual and material wealth on any who shower his head.

Temple practitioners will perform the practice of White Jambhala on your behalf for 21 days, and a showering ritual on the full moon, when a Master Yu empowered statue is bathed 1,080 times.

Additionally, daily prayers will be offered during the sadhana so that you may achieve prosperity, spiritual and material riches, abundance, success and profits for your business, wisdom to make wise investments, and to prevent loss of wealth.

You will also be included in this months Yellow Jambhala and Ask for Wealth Full Moon Blessing.

In addition to the White Jambhala 21-Day Blessing, registrants will be placed on the temple Elephant King altar Wealth and Prosperity Prayer List for six months.


21-Day Blessing:
Red Elephant Head King Dharma

When? 21-Day Dharma Practice begins October 18, 2024.

Temple practitioners will perform the practice of Red Elephant King Dharma on your behalf for 21 days.

Additionally, daily prayers will be offered during the sadhana so that you may achieve prosperity, riches, abundance, success and profits for your business, wisdom to make wise investments, and to prevent loss of wealth.

You will also be included in this months Yellow Jambhala and Ask for Wealth Full Moon Blessing.

In addition to the Red Elephant Head King Blessing, registrants will be placed on the temple Elephant King altar Wealth and Prosperity Prayer List for six months.


365-Day Blessing:
Nectar Kundali Vajrapala Treasure Vase Dharma

When? Dharma practice is ongoing.

Receive an empowerment for an entire year. Daily blessing and prayers on your behalf on the temple Nectar Kundali Vajrapala Empowered Treasure Vase Altar.

Includes offering to Dharmapalas Mahakala, Kalarupa, & Kali Devi, Earth and Mountain Deities, and Satyadevata.

It is said that this dharma can extinguish sinful karma, obstacles, illness, negative phenomena, ignorance, and can accomplish purity, wisdom, ease, and increasing prosperity without decline.

In addition to the Nectar Kundali Vajrapala 365-day Blessing, registrants will also be placed on the temple Elephant King altar Wealth and Prosperity Prayer List for one year.

Disclaimer: When conducting Buddhist prayer and meditation earnestly on your behalf, Dari Rulai Temple practitioners will do their best for you, but cannot guarantee results.